Yoga Is an Anchor

An anchor is something that provides strength and support. It helps keep you grounded and connected to what matters most. It gives you a safe space, away from busyness and distractions, to simply breathe and be.

Yoga acts as an anchor in many ways.

Not negatively to keep you from anything, but to bring you back to center; to stay on course. Personally, I practice yoga first thing, early in the morning. I’ve learned to appreciate this time more and more. Starting my day with inward focus fills me up, so I can be my best for whatever the day brings.

The only constant is change. Your yoga practice provides a steady rhythm, even in the midst of big change. Practice is “your time”—a sacred space to return to again and again. This structure and routine helps you to stay grounded through the ups and downs of life.

A Meditative Yoga Sequence
The Ashtanga Yoga practice is a series of postures linked through the breath. The sequence is gradually memorized to become a kind of moving meditation. The idea is to become one with each movement as it follows the breath. This helps free the mind of thought, allowing for awareness and deep connection to the present moment. You don’t need to think about what comes next. Instead, you can focus on your practice; breath, asana, dristi. This creates an opportunity for a meditative, mindful practice. The result: leaving your mat feeling clearheaded and peaceful.

The recipe is simple: practice a little bit often, rather than a long practice once in a while. The idea is you’re creating a healthy pattern, like brushing your teeth. Even practicing for 15 minutes is beneficial. Remember, the real juice (rasa) of yoga is in the experience of it.

kristen mansch headstand ashtanga yoga posture

Sometimes yoga practice feels amazing (like you’re one of the Avengers!), and other times you come to the mat just to sit with your breath. Regardless of how many postures you practice, it’s the continual return to the mat and inner awareness that counts. This creates the mental clarity that defines yoga.

Yoga steadies you to cope with life’s changes and challenges.

Your yoga practice is an anchor—a dedicated space to connect with the deepest part of yourself and keep you on course with what matters most.

Interested in learning a personalized yoga practice? All are welcome to join our yoga community in St. Paul, MN. View Ashtanga Class Schedule


Tips for a Consistent Yoga Practice


Breath: The Sweetness of Yoga Practice