Yoga Practice: Quality Over Quantity
Yoga is adaptable. It meets your needs at the present moment. Your yoga practice will look and feel different at various points in your life. And, that’s okay. Your practice is meant to support you—increasing your energy, steadiness, and overall well-being.
Mastery of yoga is really measured by how it influences our day-to-day living, how it enhances our relationships, how it promotes clarity and peace of mind. –T.K.V. Desikachar
Is it possible to practice too much? Sure it is, I experienced this last winter. I began asking myself questions and really paying attention to how I felt; not only during practice, but during my day. Questions like: Do you have more energy after practice? Are you more clearheaded? Do you sleep better? Do you feel differently after practicing one series vs. another?
Quality Over Quantity
There’s a simple way to gauge your yoga practice—notice the quality of your awareness and breathing. When the quality goes, wrap up for the day. It’s better to do a little with great quality, than to push through and lose the integrity of your practice. That’s when injury is most likely to happen. So, take the pressure off yourself. Enjoy your practice so you can enjoy it again tomorrow.
Adapting Your Yoga Practice
It’s best to talk with your teacher about how to personalize the practice for you. As a general guide, begin with the basics:
Three Sun Salutation A
Three Sun Salutation B
Three closing postures + rest
This takes about 15 minutes and is a great way to approach practice if you’re feeling unmotivated. After the sun salutations, it’s likely you’ll be energized to continue. Many times you’ll surprise yourself, finding it was just a matter of getting to the mat. That said, even a little bit of practice has many benefits. It’s best to practice less and often rather than a marathon practice once a week. Be kind to yourself. If you miss a day or two, simply start again.
The Wisdom of the Body
Yoga practice looks and feels different every day. Even when practicing the same asanas. Change is a constant in life, and yoga helps us check-in so to speak. The practice shows you where there’s resistance and tightness, and where there’s openness and ease. Explore. Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Yoga adapts to you, not the other way around. And, mostly—enjoy your practice!
“Quality over quantity is more important. The quality of your breath, the quality of your awareness while you’re practicing is much more important than the quantity.” —Hamish Hendry
Interested in learning a personalized yoga practice? All are welcome to join our yoga community based in St. Paul, MN. Check Out Ashtanga Class Schedule