kristen mansch ashtanga yoga urdhva mukha svanasana

breath-centered yoga

Welcome. The practice of yoga can benefit you in so many ways, wherever you’re starting from. I’m an experienced teacher with over 20 years of practice and study. I look forward to supporting your practice to enrich your life and well-being. Join Ashtanga Yoga for beginners and experienced students in the St. Paul, MN area, and online. Let’s practice!

lotus flower design singing bowl

saturday morning yoga

Welcoming all levels. Mysore classes give you an individualized learning experience, meeting you where you’re at. Join us Saturday mornings at St. Paul Yoga Center.

padmasana lotus pose slightly blurred

private lessons

Support your well-being. Enjoy one-to-one yoga lessons, in-person or online. We’ll work together to build a sustainable yoga practice and reach your personal wellness goals.



Yoga Practice Tips

Surya namaskara (sun salutation) practice is awesome! I love linking breathing and movement in each transition. Stepping back to high plank > chaturanga > upward facing dog is strengthening and lengthening when done mindfully.


join + practice
weekly yoga classes

Saturday 7-8:30am:
Mysore, St. Paul Yoga Center
Monday 6-7pm:
Half Primary, Online
Wednesday 6-7pm:
Foundations, Online


student reviews

“Thank you, Kristen, for providing a safe and nurturing space for me to develop and grow in my practice. I am so grateful for your support and guidance, and am confident in taking what I’ve learned from you and continuing to build on this back in Oregon. I’m already looking forward to stopping in for Mysore next time I’m in town!”

— Mackenzie G.

“I joined Kristen's Ashtanga Yoga class because I was feeling stressed and scattered, and I needed a practice to reintegrate my body, heart, and mind. Her class was a perfect fit. The students are at a wide variety of levels, so the class meets me right where I am at and gives me plenty of room to grow. Kristen's teaching is deeply rooted in the breath and the grounding nature of yoga. She teaches us how to focus our gaze and to open new spaces in the body with the breath. I also learned about the yamas and niyamas of yoga philosophy for the first time from her. She is a patient, gentle, and generous teacher—and an amazing yogi. I have grown so much personally and in my yoga practice with her!”

— Jessie P.

“I was fortunate enough to take one of Kristen’s classes when I first started yoga. Soon it will be two years since I first started practicing and without doubt Kristen’s teaching has brought me further along in my practice than I could have imagined was possible. She is detailed with her explanation when working through poses, keeps to the tradition of the practice, and always patient and encouraging. I believe Kristen views the practice as a lifestyle and something you make part of your life, and this aligns with how I want to practice. Having her as a teacher truly has changed my life in many ways.”

— Matt S.